Six Valuable Tips

1. Make Sure BoSidin’s Hair Removal Device Is Suitable For You

OPT technology is targeting the hair follicle and the melanin. It has a perfect blend of energy level and wavelength of laser and IPL technology, which smooth hair removal easily . Although the process works best to remove coarse and dark hair. it won’t work as well to get rid of red, blond, gray, or white hair.

laser hair removal skin color chart

2. Follow The Instructions For Safety And Effectiveness

When you first start using BoSidin’s smooth hair removal device, make sure you have enough time to understand the hair removal device- and how it works. Patience is key; and rushing through a session can lead to plaque loss or incorrect use of the laser to irritate the skin. It’s especially important to learn the six different modes of your hair removal device. Last but no least, you can use bikini area mode and bikini accessory head which is perfect for the sensitive bikini area.

When you have any questions about how to use the device, you should refer to the hair removal device’s user guide. Firstly, Give yourself a minimum of 15-30 minutes and make sure you have enough time to read the user guide, so that you can try out the device, and then you can enjoy SR session after your successful treatment.

3. Be Thorough And Patient

Before you want to choose the bikini area or face, and during your first practice, you should use BoSidin’s hair removal device in larger, more accessible areas, such as your calves. A few sessions will give you a better grasp of the hair removal device, so that you can try to more challenging areas. Fortunately, BoSidin hair removal device can be safely used anywhere on your body part, once you feel confident in using your hair removal device, you can achieve effective hair removal device in all your areas! And give your painless hair removal experience.

4. Stick and Follow Your Treatment Plan

Our recommended treatment plan is 2 to 3 times in 1-2nd week, 1 to 2 times in 3-4th week, once a week in 4-8th week. However, depilation programs vary from person to person. With regular weekly treatments, you’ll discover visible results in just 3-4 weeks. After 8 weeks, your full results will be visible, leaving you free to enjoy life without unwanted hair. An occasional touch-up session to ensure that you are delaying the hair follicles to grow.

5. Start By Shaving Your Skin With A New Razor

Remove excess hair by shaving, epilating the area before treatment. It’s important to keep your hair at an appropriate length for hair removal treatment. Before treatment, you should make sure the hair is not too long, because if too long, it can result in higher heat intensity when treated with this hair removal device and damage to your skin.

Never wax or pluck before your treatment, as it leaves little or no hair to treat with your device. In other words, BoSidin’s smooth hair removal devices continuously emit gentle pulses of light throughout the thermal relaxation period. And it depends on the portion of hair inside the follicles in order to absorb the energy produced by the device and create the heat energy needed to inhibit effect hair follicles growth. Instead, let your hair grow naturally until the day before your hair removal device treatment, and shave the hair to close to the skin for the best results.

6. How Does BoSidin’s Hair Removal Device Affects Tattoos

Please do NOT use BoSidin IPL laser hair removal with 1 inch around the tattoo. BoSidin adopts the same technology as the beauty salon which energy reacts with melanin to generate heat, and makes the hair follicle enter permanent dormancy to strongly inhibit hair regeneration. The color of the tattoo is usually darker and the pigment in the tattoo ink can react with the energy from the device. You mind feeling pain when the device treats the tattoo area.

At BoSidin, we are committed to providing exceptional service by upholding the highest standards of customer service. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We are always here for help.